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PPoPP 2022
Sat 2 - Wed 6 April 2022
Zehra Sura

Registered user since Wed 15 Feb 2017

Name:Zehra Sura

I work in systems and applied machine learning at Bloomberg LP in New York. Prior to this, I was a Research Scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Lab in NY from 2004 to 2019. I received my PhD in Computer Science in 2004 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

My current work focuses on systems and architecture for machine learning. I am interested in applying machine learning techniques to improve systems, as well as building systems to accelerate machine learning applications. I have expertise in compilers and optimizations for high performance computing, multithreading, and memory access optimizations for emerging systems, including heterogeneous and accelerator-based systems.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Bloomberg LP
Research interests:Compilers, Architecture, Programming Models


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